Posts Tagged ‘Graduation’


Graduation Speech Outline

In Graduation Speech on March 30, 2011 by thepoptarts Tagged: , , , ,

As promised, I am back with an outline to help you structure your graduation speech. Each section is denoted with a roman numeral, and each subsection is denoted with a lowercase letter.

I. Introduction

a) Say hello to everybody

b) Thank them for coming

c) Make some remarks about how excited you are to be graduating

II. About You

a) Tell a few short, important/humorous childhood stories about yourself

b) Talk about your role model(s) and how they influenced your life

c) Tell how you could “not have gotten [where you are] without” ____.

III. Thank You

a) Say you would like to thank a few people specifically for all of their help

b) Thank your mom, then your dad (always put mom first, everything goes smoother that way)

c) Thank whatever mentor influenced you the most (in a good way)

d) Thank whoever put together your graduation party

IV. Conclusion

a) Tell everyone to enjoy the party

b) Offer them the refreshments they’ve already been stuffing themselves with

c) Thank them once again

This outline should help you to make an excellent graduation speech. If you model your graduation speech following the above outline, you should have no trouble making a good, interesting speech at your graduation.